Earn money online by domain parking :
For Institution, upload download and other service people are using unlimited hosting space with domain. But they does not get perfect domain during this time. Its so much painful to them. Perfect name can be brand easily if you keep in strong way. So you can park some exclusive domain by bought. When some people search for new domain then they can contact with you to get their perfect domain.
There are many kinds of online earning ways in the world. Besides these ways you can earn money at online by domain parking. At home and abroad my people are using domain and hosting based website for their business and other purpose.
For Institution, upload download and other service people are using unlimited hosting space with domain. But they does not get perfect domain during this time. Its so much painful to them. Perfect name can be brand easily if you keep in strong way. So you can park some exclusive domain by bought. When some people search for new domain then they can contact with you to get their perfect domain.
You can sell your parked domain to them with a huge price. In this way some people sell their parked domain by 1 million dollar. So its a great theme to upgrade yourself. Keep some exclusive domain like .com .net and park them. I have bought some domain like bigtechbd.com techinfobd.net But due to not renew these domain people are bought these domain easily, otherwise I can see these domain with a huge amount. So do not miss the chance. Keep trying to get perfect domain, park domain and sell the domain... Best of luck...